Source Code File:"I2C.bas"

'*                                                      *
'*                                                      *
'*      WRITTEN BY      :  PUNERJOT SINGH MANGAT        *
'*      COUNTRY         :  INDIA                        *
'*      CITY            :  PATIALA                      *
'*      WEB PAGE        :     *
'*      EMAIL           :         *
'*      SOURCEBOOST ID  :  c58_4311                     *
'*      RELEASE DATE    :  March 03, 2006               *
'*      REVISED DATE    :  May 24, 2006                 *
'*                                                      *
'This project file demonstrates the use of the i2cbaslib.bas file for making a software I2C eeprom readin/writing routines
'The Pin(4) of PORTC is connected to the SCL pin of I2C eeprom
'The Pin(5) of PORTC is connected to the SDA pin of I2C eeprom
'NOTE : the pull up ressistors of 10K or 4.7K are needed both at the SDA and SCL lines

Sub main()

    call lcd_init()     'Initialize the LCD to appropriate format   
    call i2c_init()     'Initialize the i2c software routines
    call lcd_clear()    'Clears the LCD
    'below is the code for reading the I2C eeprom in a random manner
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_read_random(3))     'address from where the byte is to be read = 3
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_read_random(4))     'address from where the byte is to be read = 4
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_read_random(5))     'address from where the byte is to be read = 5
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_read_random(6))     'address from where the byte is to be read = 6
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_read_random(7))     'address from where the byte is to be read = 7
    'below is the code for reading the I2C eeprom in a sequential manner
    call i2c_start_seq_read(2)            'start address from where we have to start reading the I2C eeprom
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_readbyte())   'reading the byte at present possion
    call i2c_ack()                        'sending acknowledge which moves the address poniter to next location
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_readbyte())
    call i2c_ack()
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_readbyte())
    call i2c_ack()
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_readbyte())
    call i2c_ack()
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_readbyte())
    call i2c_ack()
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_readbyte())
    call i2c_nack()
    call i2c_end_seq_read()               'end of sequential read sequence

    'below is the code for testing the writing to I2C eeprom

    call i2c_write(0, 69)                     'writing E at address 0
    call lcd_putch(call i2c_read_random(0))   'reading the written byte from address 0

    Do while 1 
End sub

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